Namaste! friends, I am Anadita, welcome to my blog. I was fond of cooking since childhood. I learned all this from my mother, she is also an excellent home cook. My dish would be easy and tasty in my style. I am a health freak and I prepare the spices used in my dishes and breads at home.

Hey there lovely readers! I’m thrilled to be here with you all and share some of my favourite recipes that are not only scrumptious but incredibly healthy too! Cooking is my passion and I always find myself getting lost in my kitchen whipping up delicious meals for my loved ones. To add to that, I’ve even started a small veggie garden at my place to make sure I use the freshest and organic ingredients that add that extra zing to my dishes!

As a full-time student, I’m always eager to discover new ways of learning and fine-tuning my skills. That’s what led me to start blogging, where I can pour out my heart and share my experiences with the world. So, let’s join hands and take this exciting culinary expedition together! From mouth-watering recipes to some cool gardening tips, I’ve got a lot to offer here on my blog. Let’s have some fun!

Purpose of my blog

Hey there! I’m an avid foodie who loves nothing more than trying out new recipes, and I’m excited to share my love for cooking with you on this blog. I’m all about simplifying complicated recipes so that anyone can try them out, regardless of their experience in the kitchen. I know that life can get busy, especially if you’re a parent, and that’s why I’ve made sure my recipes are quick, easy, and hassle-free. But that doesn’t mean you’re sacrificing taste – my dishes are delicious and will definitely impress your loved ones. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive into some exciting new dishes and get ready to become a pro in the kitchen!
